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SBV Excelsior Historie & Højdepunkter

SBV Excelsior Historie & Højdepunkter

  • established: 1902.
  • based: Rotterdam, Netherlands.
  • league: Eredivisie.
  • ground: Van Donge & De Roo Stadion.
  • nickname: The Kralingers Roodzwarten (red-blacks), The Wonder Oud papier-club (Paper recycling club).
  • chairman: Bob de Lange.
  • manager: Adrie Poldervaart.
  • captain: Ryan Koolwijk.
  • top scorer: David Connolly (42).
  • top shower: Ryan Koolwijk (211).
  • rivals: Feyenoord, Sparta.
  • honors: 3-Times Eerste Divisie Winners.
  • apparel manufacturer: Quick.
  • colors: Red and Black.
  • main sponsor: DSW Zorgverzekeraar.
  • notable players: Anouar Hadouir, Ryan Koolwijk, Luigi Bruins, Jurgen Mattheij.
  • team mascot: Woutje Steijn.
  • last season record: Eredivisie: 11th Place | KNVB Cup: 1st Round.

Cool facts om SBV Excelsior .

  • 1: In the 1929-30 season the club reached KNVB Cup final, but lost it to Feyenoord 0-1.
  • 2: SBV Excelsior is the smallest football club from Rotterdam. Besides Excelsior, these clubs are Feyenoord and Sparta.
  • 3: Until 2015, Excelsior was a satellite club of Feyenoord so they was composed by Feyenoord players.

Information omkring SBV Excelsior fodboldbilletter

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