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Eibar Historie & Højdepunkter

Eibar Historie & Højdepunkter

  • established: 1940.
  • based: Eibar, Gipuzkoa, in the autonomous Basque Country.
  • league: La Liga.
  • ground: Ipurua Municipal Stadium.
  • nickname: Armagiñak / Los Armeros (The Gunsmiths), Azulgranas (blue-and-carmines).
  • chairman: Amaia Gorostiza.
  • manager: José Luis Mendilibar.
  • captain: Iván Ramis.
  • top scorer: Mikel Arruabarrena (44).
  • top shower: Dani García (223).
  • rivals: Alavés, Osasuna.
  • honors: Not yet.
  • apparel manufacturer: Joma.
  • colors: Red and Blue.
  • main sponsor: AVIA.
  • notable players: Sergi Enrich, Asier Riesgo, Charles, Rubén Peña.
  • team mascot: No mascot.
  • last season record: La Liga: 12th Place | Copa del Rey: Round of 32.

Cool facts om Eibar .

  • 1: The team plays in similar kits colour with FC Barcelona.
  • 2: Eibar is the only football club which has the quality certificate UNE-EN-ISO 9001.
  • 3: Until 2018, the club was the smallest in La Liga having stadium with the lowest capacity.

Information omkring Eibar fodboldbilletter

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